Tuesday, May 24, 2011

orange or pink?

Since its a long holiday weekend coming up, I plan to do some furniture painting.  Right now we live in a one-floor apartment, so its really easy to pull my bedroom furniture a few feet into the kitchen and do some painting after the kids are in bed.  Once we move I will have to move the furniture up and down the stairs to do any painting, so it makes sense to do it here before we move.

One of the things I hope to paint this weekend is the Princess's Malm dresser.  I am torn between painting it pink, orange or black.

I tested a few colors:

I've narrowed it to two colors.  There's Benjamin Moore's Autumn Red, which is the most ridiculous name--it should be Bubblegum Pink as there is nothing red about it.

and BM's Orange Appeal:

Orange is a difficult color to find.  Benjamin Moore has about eight thousand shades of beige, but about 10 shades of orange.  There's screaming neon orange, there's terra cotta orange, and not much in between.  The Orange Appeal is a soft, creamy orange, not too neon, not too terra cotta.  I think it would be a nice pop of color.  But so would pink!  Or black!

SOOO MANY CHOICES.  Am paralyzed with indecision.

Five more weeks!


  1. I really love the orange, and I think it's way more interesting and unexpected than pink in a little girl's room!

  2. ORANGE for sure! that's might vote- black would be choice #2

  3. Orange - I agree with @Elizabeth's reasoning, plus an orange dresser could be used for one of your boys' future rooms as well, but pink not so much.

  4. I will admit that I am leaning towards orange...just perhaps not the Orange Appeal. I have plans to check out Sherwin Williams's orange offerings.

  5. Is the monkey fabric bedding or curtains? It's too cute! I think the pink will be too much. I like black but it seems like maybe it would be too heavy if that makes sense. I vote for orange. I think it's going to look fun and funky and it will be nice to pull another color out of that adorable fabric.

  6. the monkey fabric is curtains. I think I'll be going with orange. Probably :-)


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