Monday, July 11, 2011

dvd cover art for the boys' room

The boys are really into Batman, Spiderman, Mario Brothers, and Star Wars right now. (Sadly, the second set of Star Wars. Yes, I have failed as a parent.) When I discussed decorating their room with them, they requested that all of the above be incorporated. Rather than shell out a lot of cash for artwork to reflect their current, possibly-short-lived interests at the moment, I looked around for stuff we already had.  

We have a gazillion dvds and Wii games, most of them helpfully decorated with Batman, Spiderman, Mario Brothers, and Star Wars.  So I gathered them up and framed them.  

I used six Ribba frames from Ikea.  At $4.99 for a 9x11 frame (its matted to 5x7, I believe), you can't beat the price.  I bought the birch color frames and spray painted them all orange. 

The Wii covers didn't have quite as much picture coverage as the DC Comic covers, but the kids actually thought that was a good thing---"Hey, those are for the Wii!  That's SO COOL."  Art is in the eye of the beholder.  

The boys' room is nearly done.  I have one last, large project for the blank wall beside Greg's bed, and a few small details to finish up.  


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