Monday, February 28, 2011

state of the union

Here's what we've been up to lately:

1)  I am making headway on my 2011 house project list. I've crossed (nearly) three items off my 7-item list.  Number 1, the new sofa, yay!, is done. Number 4, the boys room, is about 90% finished.  Number 7, the play area in the basement, is also (90%) done.  I have a feeling that much of the list is going to exist in this 90% finished state.  Next I will tackle number 5, the laundry area in the basement.  

2) Last night I made fish tacos from a recipe over at Life of a Doctor's Wife, and they were delicious.  The Mister agreed.  Even Greg ate them.  I made a slight variation--no one here will eat cilantro but me, so I made the sauce with parsley, and it was excellent.  I think it would be even better with fresh limes, but was perfectly good with bottled lime juice.  I had the leftovers (fish + sauce) over a salad with tomatoes today, and it was still delicious.  

I also made this wonderful chicken noodle soup from Freckles Chick.  Easy, quick, one pot, and easy easy easy.  I didn't have thyme or sage or bay leaf (any of the herbs she used, basically) but I did have rosemary, so I put a bunch of that in, and I thought it was delicious.  Greg greeted it with "this is the worst dinner IN THE WHOLE WORLD" but then ate  a whole bowl of it.   

3) Potty training meanders on.  Peter is mostly wearing underpants during the day, by his own choice.  This has in no way affected where he is actually going to the bathroom.  Using his underpants is just like using a diaper, as far as he is concerned. In fact, just a few moments ago there was an incident necessitating a change of underpants, and I said, "what about using the potty?" and Peter replied, "OHHHH...right...yeah!  The potty!  I forgot."  

Princess has been yelling "TOO SMALL, TOO SMALL" whenever we change her diaper.  There is only one more larger size diaper.  She will be in a diaper probably for at least another year.  Gulp.

4)  Diet and exercise!  Blarg.  If you are wondering how I am doing on the Weight Watcher front, wonder no longer.  I have lost no weight.  Probably because I am not following WW.

I did stop eating entire batches of cookies in the space of 36 hours.  I am now only eating one (maybe two. Or three.)  brownies in every evening after dinner.  And perhaps a few handfuls of chocolate chips during the day.  I am well aware of why I have not lost any weight.

I have kept up exercising every day.  Although I detest working out to videos, that's what I've been doing.  Its been very icy and snowy here, so walking outside has not been a great option.  I also like to work out early in the morning before starting the rest of my day, and the time to do that is around 6:30 am, and babysitters who want to come to your house while you work out at that hour are few and far between.  Videos in my living room allow me to keep an eye on the kids and still exercise.  Frequently the kids will exercise with me anyways.

My meal consumption is pretty healthy, and if my 3 meals a day were all I ate I'd be doing great.  Snacks, on the other hand, kill me.  Handfuls of chocolate chips and cranberry ginger bread slathered in butter are my staples.

I'm debating a no-processed-sugar diet.  I am not a moderator; I am an abstainer.  I won't just eat half my regular brownie, it just doesn't work that way for me.  Either I go whole hog or I don't touch it at all. It seems like it will be difficult to sustain a no processed sugar diet, though.

5) I have moved the Princess in with the boys.  Princess decided that this is a thing Up With Which She Shall Not Put.  Directly after I forced the move into the boys room, she countered with an attack of croup.  I admire her strategic thinking skills.  

Maybe this is not a good week to attempt a no-sugar diet. (I picked a bad week to give up horse tranquilizers.) 

And now for some pictures.

Princess in her Super Princess cape, beaded necklace, feather boa and rabbit ears.  What all the well-dressed superheroes are wearing these days.  


Nonno is on the bottom of the pile:

If your mother won't buy you a gun, make your own from toys laying around the house.  I feel I am doing well on the parenting skill of forcing your kids to be creative.

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