Friday, January 28, 2011

more snow

I am not really a fan of snow.

As I was sitting in traffic this morning, I didn't get my phone out quickly enough to take a picture, but on the sidewalk next to me were pedestrians walking to the bus stop.  Except it looked like a bunch of walking disembodied heads, because the snow plowed onto the curb was at least five feet high.

This pic below is the drive home. I am really glad we have off-street parking.

Poor Mister.

I am a wee bit concerned that the three feet of snow on the flat patio over the garage might make the roof collapse.

I would have to shovel all the snow either onto the driveway, which is already kind of full:

Or into the backyard, which is also a bit full:

Snow is no longer fun when it is too high to send your kids out in it.  

1 comment:

  1. Though I would love to one day wake up to fresh powder...this is a reminder that...maybe I don't! Lol! hang in there! Don't lose any children! ;)\



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