Friday, April 8, 2011

my sisters are awesome

I hate cooking. Like, detest it. When the Mister and I first got married, we ate a lot of takeout and cereal. Sadly, a large portion of my day now involves the feeding of the three kids, so I cook way more than I care to.

Fridays around these here parts is Pizza Night.  This is sacrosanct.  I never cook on Fridays. Ever.

Unfortunately, this week the stomach plague has struck this family hard, and while the kids seem to be on the mend, I'm sure not feeding them pizza for dinner.

I was moaning and complaining to my sisters about this--what am I going to do for dinner on Friday?? I can't feed them pizza!  I will have to COOK!

A few minutes ago this showed up at my door:

My sisters colluded among themselves to order us a meal from Fresh Direct.  And they stuck to the BRAT diet--we have a rotisserie chicken, coconut rice, bananas, apples, bread, some veggies for the adults, and cookies and scones for me.  All I have to do is heat it up. How sweet are my super-awesome sisters?

I may have already cracked open the cookies. 


  1. Those are some super sweet sisters! It's just me that I have to feed, and I don't feel like cooking tonight either...but alas I don't have any sisters :(


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